Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro (MUET) is home to the Pakistan side of the USAID funded U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Water (USPCASW). The school is located in Jamshoro, 150 km outside of Karachi on the right bank of the Indus River, and is one of the top 10 Engineering Universities in Pakistan. MUET was established in 1963 as an affiliate of Sindh University and became a separate university in 1973. MUET currently offers undergraduate degrees in 17 disciplines, MS degree programs in 36 disciplines, and Ph.D. degree programs in 29 disciplines, including several advanced short-term training programs.
MUET is also one of Pakistan’s most research-intensive universities, with research and teaching faculty consisting of 450 staff, 125 having obtained a Ph.D. The student population is about 6,900, including 5,800 undergraduate students, 1,000 MS/ME students, and 104 Ph.D. students. The university is actively engaged in promoting financial sustainability, growth, improvement in teaching and research excellence, improved academic programs, and short-term innovative professional training programs. MUET responds to market needs of the engineering industry through active engagement with local communities, students, alumni, faculty, and the private sector.
The USPCASW program at MUET offers Master of Science degrees in four specialized fields: Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage; Integrated Water Resources Management; Environmental Engineering; and Water, Sanitation and Health. These programs will include rigorous training in topics specific to Pakistan’s water security, implications of water-energy-food nexus for sustainable development, hydro-informatics and studies in water policy, and law and policy. The program will also be reaching out to specifically recruit women and economically disadvantaged individuals. At MUET, this program is led by a team of experts that currently includes 15 faculty with assistance from the University of Utah and its partners.
More information about programming can be found online at the MUET website and the USPCASW Prospectus.