The USPCAS-W Spring Exchange continues at a lightning pace. The first half of the semester included eight students from MUET, with half staying for the full term and half staying until midterms. The group has been participating in a writing class, weekly water seminars, technical field trips, cultural activities, courses (including Small Water System Design, Bioprocess Design, and Open Channel Flow), and more. As the first half of the semester wrapped up, we invited members of the Senior Advisory Board and other program participants to a series of research presentations from the group returning to Pakistan. This also gave the group a chance to answer questions about the exchange program and how it will feed into the work they are doing when they return to Pakistan.
Shortly after the first group of half-semester students returned to Pakistan, a new group of five half-semester students arrived. They are already immersed in the program, and have sat in on guest lectures, along with participating in the rest of the program.
One of our full-semester exchange students, Daniyal Hassan, had a paper based on his thesis work selected for a student paper conference at USU on March 29th. Daniyal did an excellent job presenting at the conference and representing the work being done by USPCAS-W.

The students are also beginning preparations for the Global Water Security Symposium: Pakistan, Utah, and More where they will have the opportunity to present posters on their research. The event will be on April 20th at 5:30pm in the Crimson View at the Union. Please join us then.